Ignorance is Bliss. Right?

Have you ever owned a glass table?
Mixed blessing right?
If you've ever owned one you know 2 things about it:
1) When it's clean you know it.
2) When it's dirty... you know it.

I inherited my first glass dining room table when I purchased my current residence.
It's a beautiful glass table with wrought iron base.
I love the table.
However I also have kids, and one of them is 5 years old.

What I realized is that the blessing of this elegant glass table doesn't feel like a blessing after dinner is over. WHAT A MESS!

The glass table is forcing me to see how dirty tables actually get during each and every meal!

Ignorance USED to be bliss.

As I was washing the table down the other night I was reflecting on my love/hate relationship with this table and how it paralleled a lot to life.

Much like an ostrich stuffing his head in a hole in the ground, I sometimes find myself pulled towards wishing that I could go back to thinking, "If I can't see it, it must not be there".

But you can't.

Now that I know because of the glass, how dirty tables get, even if I moved back to a non glass top some day, I will never have the illusion that it is clean if I just give it the ol once over.

My new awareness has forever changed my thinking.

As your eyes become open towards messy areas of your life or your organization or relationships, take care of it. Don't be tempted to trade the glass table for the old wooden one, because once you've become aware of the mess, you can't go back to being unaware.

So while it still may be true that Ignorance is Bliss, I propose that a more powerful truth is that Awareness is Transformative.


  1. Love it! It is true, 'you can't go back to being unaware'.

  2. Very interesting, this diffidently goes around the Japanese tradition of Fung Shui, after I cleaned up my mind after going on a Global Information Network cruise, I came back home clean my room in a way I had not in years, changed it around, added certain items, the next thing I was in love and attracted my wife ^_^ cleaning up is a very good thing to do, it cleans the energy and allows more to come in! - overall I agree great post!

  3. Let this serve as a metaphor. The more important could be the things you cannot see such as love, hatred, ego, impatience. Ask yourself why you are reactive to the cleanliness of the table. I'm not suggesting right or wrong here. I am just suggesting that we explore our reactions to discover who we are. We might just learn something about ourselves, and others. This I contend is the basis of developing inner peace.

  4. Well written Jordan!

    I had no choice but to keep my smiley face as I was reading through your article. In 1980's, glass furniture were in the high demand. We had a dinning glass table and a living room glass table set too! When living in a basement apartment I was not aware of the dust accumulating but moving to a house with wide windows ... OMG ... they were so dusty and dirty lol. I finally sold them.

    PS: I'm looking for a good writer for my new lifestyle site ... if you're interested go to livebroader(DOT)com and use the contact form.

    Have a nice day!

  5. Great post! Sometimes Ignorance can be bliss though.

  6. This really hits home right now. I've been in the process of "cleaning things up" but there are times when I sit back, exhale and wonder if I could somehow unseen what has been seen so to speak. Thankfully the moment passes and the draw of what awaits when the cleaning is done makes it worthwhile.

  7. re: your 'clear glass' table analogy. wouldn't having the "awareness" to use a table-cloth atop your clear-glass table offer the solution? just saying. :\

    alex alaska p

  8. So shall we plug you back in Mr. Hodges? ;-)

  9. It is nice to have enlightenment into things in your life that need to be cleaned up. I know of the glass tables for I have one in my living room. It sure does look better when it's been windexed and cleaned up. Thanks for the insight.

  10. Awareness ... so applicable to many aspects of life ... great post... cheers

  11. I agree great post! Often Ignorance can be bliss though.

  12. Great post... cheers!!!

  13. I have a friend that had Twins, a single child and twins again all in 5 years... the house was a constant mess.. the kids were happy and healthy... life is as it should be messy. :-) I think we have all become a little anal retentive about the 'dirt' in our lives!

  14. ...and "Awareness is Transformative" and transformation is for me the only reason to exist. Life isn't about finding answers, it's about finding more interesting questions. Ric :-)

  15. I think it's a fantastic idea, because in most cases an ordinary table in my apartment often my children made ​​a mess. Only when I bought my first glass table, I saw that the difference between ordinary and glass table, which is a much better and easier to maintain.Thank you. Cheers!

  16. The price of having a classier table, is becoming aware of how we take aspects of our life for granted and plea for ignorance. I like it. Keep it shiny.


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