The Power of Stories: When told right, gets you both elephant and rider every time

Emotional vs Rational
Right Brain vs Left Brain
Amygdala vs Neocortex
Elephant vs Rider

All different ways of stating that we as human beings have this duality about us that has us on the one hand being rational logical creatures, yet at the same time has us also deeply influenced and moved by emotions and feelings.

I paused my blog for the last 2 weeks as I've been reflecting.
What I've been reflecting on is some comments received on my last blog post.
I like comments, especially comments that really make me pause to think. To reflect.
What I've been pondering is this, is the way I write missing the mark? Which leads to an even bigger question of "Why do I even write, period"? (Simple answer that: In an attempt to make a difference in this world).
Back to first question.
Is the way I write missing the mark? (feel free to comment!)
Why do I tell stories that lead to a point? Why do I shamelessly share my exploits in parenting (good and bad) and then relate them to Enterprise 2.0, gamification and motivation?
The answer on this is actually simple.

I write like I write........ON PURPOSE.

There have been numerous studies that have shown that appealing only to a person's logic and rational brain only gets half of what is required to create a true change or transformation.
The same has been found when appealing primarily or solely to one's sense of emotion or feelings, again the ingredients for a person to truly change are only half there.

You need BOTH. (For more on this read Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard by Chip & Dan Heath)

At the start of the book they give the analogy of the Elephant and the Rider. If you only appeal to the rider (logic), the elephant of emotion will eventually overpower the rider, however if you only appeal to  the emotion your in for a potential flurry of misinformed decisions.  The power to change comes from appealing to both the logical side of us (the rider) and the emotional side of us (the elephant).

By telling stories and creating something that engages the right side of the brain I'm appealing to the reader's inner elephant.
By lining the findings of my "experiments" up to conclusions that are logical and rational I'm appealing to the reader's inner rider.
Now do I manage to accomplish this with each blog post? Debatable, however I have solid feedback from many readers that the connection is there. So in those cases, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

I will continue to blog in this storylike fashion ending in some kind of conclusions.
If it works for you, great. If it doesn't work for you.... well, I tried.

In wrapping this post up I did want to say THANKS for all the hits to the blog and the great comments over the past year. The blog has hit around 26,000 unique views and is averaging over 4000 unique hits a month.

Stay tuned, more to come!


  1. New to your blog, so didn't see the post that led you to take a break. But, given your views and hits, it sounds like people like your style. You'll never please everyone..

  2. Agreed, left side must be served too. Yet as your headline clearly seems to indicate . . . When told RIGHT . . . the opener seems the right half of many brains when it comes to stories ?

  3. Hello Jordan, from someone who is new to blogging (getting ready to start), your insight and informative was encouraging. I realize not everyone is going to like the way you say things or share some information. But I think you have done it your way and the response that you have gotten is the reward. Best wishes to you in the future......

  4. logic and emotions needs to be balanced, otherwise elephant goes mad or rider falls down :)

    1. Haha! Mad elephants or trampled riders = not ideal :-)

  5. Hey Jordan ! I totally relate to your blog. Thanks for reminding me of this ( connecting with both elephant and rider) as I put together my book as first time author very soon ! Incidentally my book explores this very thing with a lot of research - and the implication is that some Individuals relate better to the Rider and the others to the Elephant. It all depends on your natural inclinations / preferences ( basis your DNA starting point + life experiences). More on that later :-) would love to connect - am on twitter as abhijit_dan

  6. Dear Jordan, we can learn a lot from ancient wisdom and philosophy to test modern science, I think! The Golden Rule essentially means to do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you if your positions were reversed. Napoleon Hill stresses the fact that all of your actions and thoughts will come back to you, for better or worse. It is not enough to merely believe in the philosophy of the Golden Rule; one must apply it. The key to this lesson is this: the Golden Rule, when understood and applied, makes dishonesty, selfishness, greed, envy, hatred and malice impossible. One must be scrupulously honest, and realize you are punishing yourself by every wrong you commit, and rewarding yourself by every act of constructive conduct. This would create a harmony between the elephant and the driver, I assume!

  7. Elephant and rider are a great way to visualize this. Great, thanks for the article. I agree this approach works best.

  8. It's great to strive for the balance even if it is sometimes almost unattainable. You can't make everyone happy, so you start with yourself and hope for the best of the rest.

  9. Hi Jordan... first, I think writing is good, period. And using stories is a powerful method for getting messages across. For example, preachers use storytelling to great effect (I still remember the Bible stories my preacher talked about and wrote about). I don't feel you are missing the mark at all. Writing in terms of pure logic is dry and only a few can truly appreciate it, but when you write a story you can reach many more people. Hope this helps... Yordie

  10. Jordan, as a parent myself I relate to your stories and writing style. Even if that were not the case... always write for yourself first. The people will follow are those who enjoy your authenticity.

  11. Getting your point across with stories helps people to relate to what you are trying to portray and in my opinion, the best way to reach people. It keeps them interested and wanting to read the entire article. Many people will skim blogs, but I think few are actually read the entire articles. I would guess that because of your style, yours are thoroughly read which is a great accomplishment in this day and age.

    In regards to content, I don't think everyone is ever going to agree with your perspective. I don't know what has been said to dissuade you, but don't be discouraged. Your writing is great and regardless of what is written, not everyone is going to get the point or agree. Continue to write and tell stories. If they weren't enjoyed you wouldn't be getting so many hits.

    On another note, I am a step father. I have all of the responsibility, but none of the decision making or authority of a regular parent and often feel that my influence is pointless. After ten years of living in the same house, the children would rather eat live worms than admit that I have helped them in any way. Still every now and then I hear through the grape vine that they are making certain decisions based on my philosophies or something that I specifically recommended. To me that is massive success! Although they will never admit that I helped them and certainly would never show that they are grateful or appreciative of anything that I have done for them over the years, it all counts!

    Just because the responses aren't always what you are expecting, it doesn't mean that you aren't making a difference. Your stories make a difference in my day and make me think. I'm sure they are making other people think and giving them ideas as well. Thank you for posting them.


  12. When you write what you luv, in your style, the readers will come :)

  13. Thank you for not trying to be something you aren't. We get the best of what you really are that way, and that's what we want to experieince.

  14. Yes you need both logical and emotional; and they should be balance to have a interesting read. I am looking forward to more stories here. cheers!

  15. Interesting read about the balance of things!

  16. Right is the way YOU write. You can't please everyone (Bill Cosby had a great quote on this - "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.").

  17. Another positive and useful post from you! Keep them coming!

  18. Passion is the word that links the two. Writing about something you really care about and know about is what makes an impact. thanks.

  19. I have to say it's all about you! If the words are written with passion, it will be recognized, and readers will come back for more.

  20. When I speak, I have noticed that folks often remember my stories but seldom that carefully crafted content. That doesn't mean the rational is unimportant. It is just a reminder to feed the emotion to have lasting impact.

  21. People (readers) like your style Jordan - Keep on doing what you are doing - write from the heart. The process of writing integrates the heart and the mind. Keep up with the visual imagery too! thanks.

  22. Your style is thought provoking, and it is great. I like it.


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