The Bots (Poutine, #EAv, Seinfeld)

I laughed tonight while relaxing in my living room on Twitter. I mean, not just a little laugh.  I mean I REALLY laughed. A LOL kinda laugh. A ROTFL kinda laugh. A LMAO kinda, you get the picture.


I don't know why stupid internet bots crack me up so much, but they do.

Tonight I stumbled upon the poutine bots while having a tweetup with some Empire Avenue buds.

So everytime anywhere on twitter that the word "Poutine" is mentioned a Bot called @Poutine_Bot will retweet you. I dont know why but I find this funny.  Funnier STILL is that there is another bot called @Poutine_BOT_BOT and all it does is retween @Poutine_Bot. So we have bots retweeting bots. 

Bots also following bots is another source of pure joy...

So after that fun I happened to mention on Twitter that this reminded me of a seinfeld episode and wouldnt you know it, a Seinfeld bot replies to me with a quote from a seinfeld episode... Soo funny.

So I suggest if you are ever feeling lonely or sad or that no one in the twitterverse loves you, take time to tweet how much a big bowl of poutine would make you feel better and that you wish Seinfeld was still on the air...see what happens... Dare you


  1. Tweeted 'Right now big bowl of poutine would make you feel better and I wish Seinfeld was still on the air.'

  2. I did it too! I Tweeted 'Right now big bowl of poutine would make you feel better and I wish Seinfeld was still on the air.'

    Nothing so far...maybe the bots don't like me. :(


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