The Pain of Empire Avenue Upgrades #EAv

So I've been sold out for a few days now at 17,500 shares on Empire Avenue.

All good. Price has been climbing. But nobody can buy more in me.

OK, so I decide after much deliberation to upgrade.


Sell all my highest portfolios
Shave a little off of everyone
Wait for a VERY long time to earn the $200,000 needed
Pay REAL money to buy the eaves for the upgrade.

After deliberations and good advice from ClaireMcGonigal I decide to take the toughest route and shave a little off of everyone...

So here I sit now. I have accomplished the feat. Yay but.

Now I have no money. I decimated my portfolio. People are now selling my shares instead of buying.


Ah, so the addiction of the love/hate with Empire Avenue continues...


  1. Jordan, hang in there! It will work out. The upgrade dip has happened to me a few times (now too) but you'll get back on track!
    Oh, and thanks for the mention! :-)

  2. Totally agree With CM's advice!

  3. I realize this advice is old but we're new on EAv, so it was interesting to see what happens when you get to a certain stage. Now we know what to look out for.


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